Motivational phrase 'Just Do It' spelled with Scrabble letters on a red background.

DOs of Bankruptcy: What You Should Know Before and During Your Bankruptcy Case | Walden Legal Solutions

Essential Tips for Navigating Your Bankruptcy Journey

Remember, you are not alone. Over a million bankruptcy cases were filed in the last 12 months. Debtors like you are seeking relief and a fresh start. Our bankruptcy attorneys at Walden Legal Solutions are here to support you every step of the way.

  1. Key DOs Before Filing for Bankruptcy:

    • DO be entirely honest with your attorney: Full disclosure is essential for effective representation. Bankruptcy cases are filed in Federal court, and honesty is crucial to avoid claims of fraud.
    • DO list all creditors: Include all creditors in your schedules, even those you intend to repay, like friends or family, and mandatory payments like taxes or child support.
    • DO complete the Bankruptcy Client Worksheet: Provide complete financial information to avoid additional costs and ensure efficient case handling.
  2. Key DOs During Your Bankruptcy Case:

    • DO continue making regular payments: Keep up with mortgage or car loan payments if you wish to retain the collateral. Remember to make timely payments even if statements stop.
    • DO adjust your tax withholdings: Manage tax refunds carefully, as they are part of the Bankruptcy Estate and can be claimed by the Trustee.
    • DO file your taxes: Provide current, accurate tax returns to the Trustee as required.
  3. Communication and Support:

    • DO contact our office for creditor issues: If creditors contact you after filing, reach out to our office for assistance.
    • DO ask questions: Ensure you fully understand the answers provided by your bankruptcy lawyer. There is no such thing as a stupid question!

DO contact us today for your free bankruptcy consultation to explore your options and ensure a smooth process.

Connect with us today for a stress-free legal experience!

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