Moms, What Do You Do for Stress Management?
When looking for stress relief options:
Go straight to the source—
In a recent poll Moms were asked what they do for stress management. Below are some of the responses. While some may have been said in jest, they are likely the most truthful and/or wishful-thinking.
- Hide.
- Cry.
- Take a bath with an entire bath of Epsom salt.
- Eat candy.
- Scream into the void.
- Drink.
- Take Xanax.
- Working out.
- Pray.
- Walks by the lake.
- Workout.
- Lots of walks with the pups.
- Exercise.
- Gardening.
- Running.
- Bubble bath with CBD and lavender.
- Journaling.
- Me time.
- Reading.
- Meditation.
- Smoke.
- Hang with friends.
- Dance in my living room to hip hop.
- Eat.
- Yoga.
- Guided meditation.
- Sleep.
- Scream.
- Drive my car around.
- Deep breaths through my nose and tell myself I’m calm.
- Cuss at everyone.
- Paint / do crafts.
- Full spectrum hemp.
- Cannabis.
- Fitness kickboxing.
- Wine.
- Clean.
- Listen to heavy metal.
- Drink coffee.
- Listen to Mel Robbin’s.
- Mindfulness exercises.
- Walk away from situation.
- Mindless tv.
- Counseling.
- Zoloft.
- Grounding skills.
- Progressive muscle relaxation.
- Self-care.
- Yelling mostly.
- Ride my motorcycle.
- Title boxing. Hitting stuff feels good.
- Watch mukbang videos.
- Calm app: meditation and soundscapes.
- Massages.
- Get nails done.
- Lunch with friends.
- Down time.
- Zumba.
- Cook / research new recipes.
- Shop.
- Leave without the kids.
- Run until the endorphins kick in.
- Bake.
- Practice intentional breathing.
- Sleep meditation.
- Edibles.
- Shower steamers.
- Read.
- Dogs.
- Workout to HOTWORX.
- Play games on phone.
- Fold laundry.
- Orgasm.
While there are some healthy and perhaps not so healthy choices that we turn to in our daily lives as the stress sets in, it’s clear – we are all in this together and we need something to turn to.
While our option for stress management may not be the same as yours (this time) – it doesn’t mean we haven’t thought about or considered it. Often those choices that may be considered unhealthy would fall into the category of reactionary. Which is exactly where you would expect to head when you are already feeling anxious, irritable and have racing thoughts.
True stress management needs to be proactive. You know the stress will come again. How will you meet it head-on? Consider some options from the list above – are there any healthy choices that you feel you could incorporate into your life?
HINT: We’ve even talked about a couple of them earlier in our Blog Series; such as, gardening, meditation, books, spending time with loved ones, spending time in nature, and dogs! Check them out for inspiration!