Another Johnson County, KS Inning: Finding Parallels Between Youth Sports and Bankruptcy

Johnson County bankruptcy attorney batting

Navigating Uncertainty: From the Ball Field to Bankruptcy

She suited up and took her position on the field again, self-confident and ready to play ball.

I was hesitant, nervous and excited. Should we be there at all? Ready to kick off a season scheduled to start 3 months ago… It couldn’t have just been cancelled. This is JoCo! We need our Youth Sports!

I was hesitant because of all of the unknown.

There are still so many questions that have gone unanswered. I’ve hardly left my house for months and now we are sitting at a “modified” and “socially distanced” ball game.

Nervous because I don’t know what will come next. Have we taken enough precautions? Are we sitting far enough away, using enough sanitizer, not touching our faces?

And excited – watching my daughter being a kid again. Being back in her element, near friends and doing something that brings her joy.

Sitting in the 90+ degree shade with my thoughts, taking in this new season with new rules (for players, umpires, coaches and parents) – it struck me that this must often be how our bankruptcy clients feel before calling our office.

I have no doubt after years of working with clients that they are hesitant about taking the first step, reaching out, making the call.

I am humbled by their courage to take that step, making the decision to solve their overwhelming debt issue. This is the hardest.

They come to us with fear of the unknown. Will they lose their home? Their car? What Chapter of Bankruptcy will they be filing? How much will it cost?

They are nervous about the process and what it will mean for them moving forward.

However; unlike with the pandemic and our lack of answers surrounding COVID-19, our clients can find the answers they need. We can tell them all about exemptions in Kansas / Missouri, which Chapter they should filed based on their situation, what their particular case will cost and what payment options are available.

They will have an experienced Kansas City Bankruptcy Attorney by their side throughout the entire process – from the hesitance and nervousness to the excitement as they realize their fresh start.

Sometimes life requires we dust off our cleats and get back out there…. Strikeout or home run you want to be part of a good team.

Connect with us today for a stress-free legal experience!

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