Protecting Your Stimulus Check: What You Need to Know
Just because you’re eligible and took the right steps to RECEIVE your check, does NOT mean you will be the one getting it.
Who can step in?
- Private debt collectors with active garnishments. The funds could be seized as soon as they hit your personal account.
- Federal government for back child support.
Who cannot step in?
- Federal government for defaulted student loans.
- Federal government for back taxes.
The CARES Act has failed to provide key protections for consumers. The $2 trillion rescue package is meant to help families pay for food, medicine and other basic necessities during the COVID-19 crisis, but for many this will not be their reality.
If you have an active garnishment on an account in place, there may be little that can be done. If you are aware of a garnishment that has not yet been issued – watch your bank accounts closely for your check to post and consider to work on a cash basis.
You can get more information about Economic Impact Payments, check your status and update your information here.
Stay well.